Due to unprecedented underwhelming public demand, Quality Comics can now be followed on Twitter. Its been an exciting 24 hours since we've signed up for the reality altering service. Already we've made new friends, been ruthlessly discarded like yesterdays rubbish by a comic creator, and found out what Kevin Rudd has been saying lately (nothing). Quality Keith has already been feeling like he knows what Charles Xavier has to go through. All those voices in his head jabbering away. Why don't they stop? Or think about something even minutely interesting?
Does every observation, no matter how frustratingly meaningless have to be sent out with a knowing wink to amuse the masses? Are we supposed to be greatful that Demi Moore shares with us the delicious knowledge that Ashton is 'cute' and 'frustrated that he can't twitter due to no mobile signal?'
However, it really does level the playing field. John 'Porky' Swineflue* from down the road may have a much more interesting and insightful comment about the Star Trek movie, than say, comic book auteur Reily Stiltskin* (*names have been changed to protect the boringly competent). Indeed one artist that I was following kept reporting "white men can dance", presumably from a local disco and not the nearby Home for the Mentally Incompetant. And when they get 'political and moralistic, I almost forget about how much I enjoyed the last issue of 'Ultra Scary Airbrushed Franchise Ready Zombies'. Sheesh.
Hopefully, WE won't bore you, or revolt or disillusion you. This is because we know better than anyone, we are the coolest, most totally brilliant of social observervationists in the whole ever increasing Multiverse. And besides, Twitter limits how much bull$%@# we can write. So we might limit it to the occasional juicy comic related tidbit, tell you about something we just read and liked (or hated), or even update on whether the shipment came in or not. We'll probably start that when more people are following us.
So join us please won't you at Twitter.com, search for Quality Comics and follow away.