This may not have always been the case, but Here and Now in the trenches of the new Quality
Comics Underground, we believe in supporting local talent and winning friends, influencing people and using our great power without responsibility. Don't judge us. You'd do the same thing in our position.
Anyway, Andrei Buters is a talented young man who deserves your attention. He's about to publish his first comic, which you might have gathered by the poster up above, and if we can all help him get a 'leg up', why shouldn't we? I'll leave it to Andrei to describe his story:
Rubeun Carver is a Jenseit – a 22-year-old death priest. When rockstar Curtis Hess is assassinated, Carver’s austere lifestyle takes a major change when he becomes Hess’s groundbreaking musician girlfriend Phoebe Kestler’s bodyguard. Will the maudlin Carver manage to keep the upbeat Kestler safe from the rising threat of living dead?
Needless to say, I'm intrigued. And to further whet your appetite, take a gander at this sample page from the first issue (page 23 I believe) :

Copies of DEAD BY 30 will be available for purchase shortly after the launch of episode one here at Quality Comics. I strongly suggest you reserve a copy soon to avoid disappointment. And don't forget the launch party at 7pm on April 24th at the Spectrum Gallery on Beaufort Street. Tell 'em Quality Keith sent you.